How to Find Your Ideal Customer

What are Audience Personas and Why do I Need Them? You ever hear the age-old saying, “You can’t be everything to everyone?” Well, audience personas whittle down that “everyone” portion of that sage advice. Because as bumper sticker worthy as that saying is, it’s right...

Tips for Communicating and Marketing During a Pandemic

Tips for Communicating and Marketing During a Pandemic What are Audience Personas and Why do I Need Them? It’s inevitable that during a pandemic things will be uneasy and uncertain at times. (It is, after all, a worldwide pandemic.) Businesses across the globe are...

Why are Mission and Vision Statements Important for my Brand?

Defining your Why, What and How There’s a reason you started your business, and somewhere down the line, a goal you want your business to achieve. While these ideas may be swimming around in your head, it’s important to get them down on paper. Why? Well, because these...

How to Write Decades Properly and Impress Your Friends

Grammar tips and lessons for a brain boost. Look, let’s get one thing straight: I’m no grammar grouch. I love to break the rules for emphasis and intent as much as any other copywriter. What bugs me though, is when published “professional” writing makes egregious...

Why Do I Need to Blog?!

You know you’re supposed to but why? It cuts into your Facebook stalking and online shopping time and it can be hard as heck to come up with new inspiring content, especially when you’re busy working your tail off day in and day out. So what’s the reasoning behind...

How to Kill It with Your Blog

Simple tips to start successful blogging. Did you know that businesses that blog garner 97% more inbound links to their websites and 55% more website visitors than those who don’t? If you don’t have a blog, you’re missing the boat. What I hear most from clients when...