What’s the difference between Serif and Sans Serif?

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What’s the difference between Serif and Sans Serif?

What’s the difference between Serif and Sans Serif? An Easy Breakdown of the Basics As a designer, I sometimes speak in industry lingo and forget that not everyone speaks my language. That happened recently in…

Color Me NOT Confused

Color Me NOT Confused A simple guide to nailing color theory and reassurance in trusting your instincts. “What’s the best color for my logo?” “What does the color purple mean?” “Why is red the wrong…

Our Picks: Best 2017 Super Bowl Commerials

Our Picks: Best 2017 Super Bowl Commerials On Sunday, February 5, chances are you joined the 100 million-plus audience tuning in to watch the Super Bowl. Whether you’re truly a fan of the teams competing…

Resolutions To Live By: 5 Ways To Bring Your A-game In 2017

Resolutions To Live By: 5 Ways To Bring Your A-game In 2017 Ah, the heralding in of a new year. It’s when we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, looking forward with…

It Ain’t All About the Turkey

It Ain’t All About the Turkey Warp + Weft Thanks & Giving Ah, Thanksgiving. The turkey, the stuffing, the fixings, the desserts. The football, the parade, the togetherness. Or, you may need a little Adele…

Better Branding Step by Step

Step #1: Know Yourself Getting to know YOU, Getting to know all about YOU… You eat, breathe, sleep and sweat your business. It’s such a part of you, and you a part of it that…

A Warp + Weft Client Profile: MCHP

Founded in 1891 as a nursing school, Maine College of Health Professions develops leaders in the allied health professions through individualized instruction, hands-on clinical rotations, and accomplished faculty. The school offers associate degree programs in…