by Aimee Goodwin | Jun 10, 2019
We’re going into a little detail here, stick with me. There are a lot of typography terms—ligature, baseline, ascender, etc… I won’t bore you with a definition of each, but x-height is one you should know and understand because it can have a big impact on the...
by Aimee Goodwin | Jun 7, 2019
One, two, even three spaces after a period? Please stop putting two spaces after a period! I beg you. Unless you’re using a manual typewriter. Then and only then should you use two spaces after a period. There was a time in history—the time of the typewriter—where two...
by Aimee Goodwin | Jun 14, 2018
What’s the difference between italic and script? They both tilt right, right? Italic verses Script Italic is a description for typefaces that are on an angle and they’re generally included as part of a type family. For instance, Adobe Garamond has multiple type...
by Aimee Goodwin | Nov 3, 2017
An Easy Breakdown of the Basics As a designer, I sometimes speak in industry lingo and forget that not everyone speaks my language. That happened recently in a client meeting when I was referencing the differences between a serif and sans-serif typeface. If you happen...
by Aimee Goodwin | Dec 29, 2016
Resolutions To Live By: 5 Ways To Bring Your A-game In 2017 Ah, the heralding in of a new year. It’s when we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, looking forward with ambition, hope, and honed determination. It’s also when we make pretty ridiculous...