Social Media Image Sizes: The Quick and Dirty Guide

Social Media Image Sizes: The Quick and Dirty Guide/h3> Version: 2016.2.1 You’re merrily posting images to Facebook, Google plus, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Since life is simple and everyone wants your job to be easy, you can just throw your image up onto all of...

How to Hashtag like a Real #Millennial

How to Hashtag like a Real #Millennial Can you believe that less than ten years ago the ordinary and unpretentious pound sign was just a pound sign? Fast-forward to today and that same pound sign has since transitioned from a simple icon to being the cultural...

What Social Media Platform Should I Use?

What Social Media Platform Should I Use? You’re more than likely aware of the fact that your business should be investing in social media. I mean, when 87% of small to medium-size businesses say social media helps their business; 74% of marketers see an increase...