Social Media Image Sizes: The Quick and Dirty Guide

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Social Media Image Sizes: The Quick and Dirty Guide

Social Media Image Sizes: The Quick and Dirty Guide/h3> Version: 2016.2.1 You’re merrily posting images to Facebook, Google plus, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Since life is simple and everyone wants your job to be easy,…

How to Hashtag like a Real #Millennial

How to Hashtag like a Real #Millennial Can you believe that less than ten years ago the ordinary and unpretentious pound sign was just a pound sign? Fast-forward to today and that same pound sign…

The Power of the Influencer

The Power of the Influencer Warning: This post may make you die of jealousy. Regardless of all the flack Millennials may get, they’re killing it on social media, raking up hundreds of thousands of global…