Spacing After a Period: An Easy Breakdown of the Basics

Spacing After a Period: An Easy Breakdown of the Basics One, two, even three spaces after a period? Please stop putting two spaces after a period! I beg you. Unless you’re using a manual typewriter. Then and only then should you use two spaces after a period. There...

Italic vs Script: An Easy Breakdown of the Basics

Italic vs Script: An Easy Breakdown of the Basics What’s the difference between italic and script? They both tilt right, right? Italic verses Script Italic is a description for typefaces that are on an angle and they’re generally included as part of a type family. For...

What’s the difference between Serif and Sans Serif?

What’s the difference between Serif and Sans Serif? An Easy Breakdown of the Basics As a designer, I sometimes speak in industry lingo and forget that not everyone speaks my language. That happened recently in a client meeting when I was referencing the...

4 Color Types You Need to Know Now

4 Color Types You Need to Know Now Stay true to your brand with CMYK, PMS, RGB and Hex Color is personal. A pale green may be evocative of verdant summer days for one person, but conjure visions of painful family meals in a chartreuse dining room for another. We feel...

Color Me NOT Confused

Color Me NOT Confused A simple guide to nailing color theory and reassurance in trusting your instincts. “What’s the best color for my logo?” “What does the color purple mean?” “Why is red the wrong choice for a bank’s ad...