Does Facebook Advertising Really Work?

Does Facebook Advertising Really Work?/h3> The truth about whether or not you should be putting your hard-earned money toward Facebook advertising. You’ve seen the sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that make you...

Why Do I Need to Blog?!

Why Do I Need to Blog? You know you’re supposed to but why? It cuts into your Facebook stalking and online shopping time and it can be hard as heck to come up with new inspiring content, especially when you’re busy working your tail off day in and day out. So what’s...

What is SEO?

What is SEO? Crawling, Indexing, Bots and Why it all Matters. You know it’s important and everyone talks about it, but you can’t help to think, what is this mysterious SEO anyway and why does it matter so much? SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, but of...

Free Website Builders vs. Hiring an Agency

Free Website Builders vs. Hiring an Agency The pros, the cons, and the absolutely absurd assumptions. Websites. Every business has one… or should. Consider your website an invaluable asset to your company, much like an employee. Seriously, your website is part of your...

Keep Your Website Fresh

Keep Your Website Fresh Why your digital identity needs to stay up to date. You’ve put months into launching your website and it’s finally live. Now that it’s up for the world to see, you can just sit back and relax, right? Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Not even...