
The Must-Haves for a Stellar Healthcare Practice Website

A strong online presence is crucial for any business, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Whether you own a direct primary care office in Portland, Maine or a dental office in Madawaska, having an informative and user-friendly website is key to retaining patients and attracting new ones. So, let’s dive in and explore the essential information that a healthcare practice needs to have on their website.

Contact Information

First things first, make sure your contact information is front and center! Your patients want to know how to find you when they need you most. Display your phone number, address, email, and any other relevant contact details in a prominent spot on every page of your website. Don’t play hide-and-seek with your contact information – keep it front and center. We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention your Google Business account too. Your contact information and hours must be kept up-to-date on both your website and your Google Business account. There’s nothing more frustrating to a consumer than when the website and Google Business account aren’t in alignment – what are we to believe?

About Us

Your patients want to know who’s behind the white coats and stethoscopes. A robust “About Us” page humanizes your practice and establishes trust and credibility. Share your mission, vision, and values, and introduce the key players on your team. Photos and professional bios are a must – patients want to see and know you before they’re treated by you. Highlight your qualifications, expertise, and maybe even throw in a fun fact or two. Remember, healthcare can be intimidating, so anything that eases the experience and humanizes providers is a win!

Authentic Photography

When it comes to your website, it’s important to avoid stock photography. Utilizing stock imagery can make your practice appear generic and impersonal, potentially undermining the trust of prospective patients. Instead, consider conducting a professional photoshoot in your office with staff, providers, and some willing patients. Authentic photos will capture the essence of your practice and the people behind it, providing a real-life glimpse into the environment and the personalized care that patients can expect.

When conducting a photo shoot, it is essential to have all participants sign a waiver granting permission for their image to be used. Prioritizing the collection of signed waivers demonstrates your commitment to respecting the privacy and rights of everyone involved while also safeguarding your practice from potential legal complications.


Let your patients know what you’re all about by clearly listing the services you offer. Are you a general practitioner, a specialized clinic, or a direct primary care provider? Provide detailed descriptions of each service, including any unique features or technologies you offer. The more informative you provide, the more at ease your patients will feel in choosing you as their provider.

Insurance and Billing

Insurance and billing can be a mind-boggling labyrinth for many patients. Ease their worry by providing clear information about the insurance plans you accept and any billing policies or assistance programs you offer. If you don’t accept insurance, be clear about that too.

Offer pricing transparency. In an industry where costs can often be complex and opaque, patients deserve clear and upfront information about the prices of medical procedures, treatments, and services. You don’t have to list your prices online but clearly communicate how and where patients can get pricing information before they schedule an appointment. You’ll gain their trust and loyalty.

If possible, offer online payment options, because let’s face it – everyone loves convenience!

Frequently Asked Questions

What questions do you and your staff get asked on repeat? Make sure the answers to these questions are readily available on your website so you can proactively address patient inquiries and streamline communication. An effective way to achieve this is by incorporating a dedicated FAQ section on your website. This serves as a resource that offers comprehensive answers to a wide range of questions, saving both patients and staff time and effort. Consider having your staff or practice manager regularly update the FAQ section to accommodate new topics and information and ensure your website remains current and informative.


Patients trust the word of fellow patients. Include testimonials from satisfied patients on your website to build confidence and credibility. Highlight positive experiences, outcomes, and compassionate care.

Creating a stellar website for your healthcare organization might feel daunting but if you start small and focus on the essential information your patients want and need, you’ll be well on your way to creating an online presence that sets you apart from the competition.