
Is it time to Update Your Website?

Is it time to Update Your Website?

Why website years are like dog years. Let’s say it’s been about five years since you’ve either built or rebuilt your website. In some ways, it feels like yesterday! Everything works fine, and as far as you can see, there’s nothing really wrong with it. I know how you...

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How to Find Your Ideal Customer

How to Find Your Ideal Customer

What are Audience Personas and Why do I Need Them? You ever hear the age-old saying, “You can’t be everything to everyone?” Well, audience personas whittle down that “everyone” portion of that sage advice. Because as bumper sticker worthy as that saying is, it’s right...

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Why Pay for Premium Web Hosting?

Why Pay for Premium Web Hosting?

Finding ways to save money is always top of mind for business owners. But when it comes to your website, there is one thing you definitely don’t want to skimp on: web hosting. Yes, web hosting. That’s when you pay a hosting provider to basically “rent” space on their...

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When is the Right Time for a New Headshot?

When is the Right Time for a New Headshot?

Being in the branding and marketing industry, and with one of our services being website development, we see a lot of headshots! If you clicked on this link wondering if it’s time for a new one, it probably is. If any of these apply to you, it’s time to get your...

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Brand vs. Branding vs. Marketing

Brand vs. Branding vs. Marketing

It’s not unusual to see these three words used interchangeably. Consumers and even business owners frequently don’t fully understand the difference between them. As branding and marketing experts, we hope we can shed a little light on their meaning. Brand Your brand...

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