4 Color Types You Need to Know Now

Color is personal. A pale green may be evocative of verdant summer days for one person, but conjure visions of painful family meals in a chartreuse dining room for another. We feel color deeply; it affects our mood. Once you do your due diligence in picking your brand...

Brand Check Yourself

Brand Check Yourself Resolve to Have Consistent Visual Language We get it. You downloaded a really cute new font which you couldn’t wait to use. You got a great deal on yellow t-shirts even though your company colors are navy and gray. You could fit everything on that...

Kerning So Bad I Can’t Even

Kerning So Bad I Can’t Even Typography isn’t just putting words on paper, it’s making those words legible. The right choices in type can communicate a message more directly or imbue a word with emotional content beyond its denotated meaning. Typeface...