Why Pay for Premium Web Hosting?

Finding ways to save money is always top of mind for business owners. But when it comes to your website, there is one thing you definitely don’t want to skimp on: web hosting. Yes, web hosting. That’s when you pay a hosting provider to basically “rent” space on their...

How to Claim and Verify your “Google My Business” Profile

How many times have you searched your business on Google and the wrong information pops up? Whether it’s an old business address, incorrect operating hours or that you don’t even show up at all, it needs to be solved. Well, I’m here to help… and also personally...

Avoid This One Mistake When Looking for Your Domain.

Don’t let this end up costing you money. A domain, otherwise known as a URL, is the web address where people find you on the internet. When searching for that perfect domain name for your amazing website, there is one major thing to avoid: googling it. But, how...

Top 3 Google Analytics Reports You Need to Know

Where to start if you want to grow your business. Do you hear the words “Google Analytics” and cringe? If so, I don’t blame you. Google Analytics is complex and notoriously complicated. When I first started to dig into it, I wondered if I’d ever truly get it. (Spoiler...

Does Facebook Advertising Really Work?

The truth about whether or not you should be putting your hard-earned money toward Facebook advertising. You’ve seen the sponsored posts on Facebook and Instagram. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones that make you fall in love with the pair of shoes made out...